Prototype Development

Pre-Production prototypes are an excellent design and investment strategy to ensure the component performs in the application as intended, reliably. The effort is also beneficial to ensure manufacturing feasibility and tooling concepts are robust, BEFORE going into production. Our team will develop your pre-production prototype and submit to you for approval including a Design for Manufacturability plan, and quality requirements.
During this prototype development, the Topcraft engineers will identify the most efficient manufacturing process to produce your product, while utilizing labor (skill) and tooling concepts that are appropriate for the design complexity. Topcraft is a well-equipped facility with the latest technology to provide the component you demand.
During this prototype development, the Topcraft engineers will identify the most efficient manufacturing process to produce your product, while utilizing labor (skill) and tooling concepts that are appropriate for the design complexity. Topcraft is a well-equipped facility with the latest technology to provide the component you demand.